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Transport Solutions: from Research to Deployment - Innovate Mobility, Mobilise Innovation!
14-17 Apr 2014 Paris La Défense (France)
Posters (STS and Outreach marketpace) installation Scientific posters (STS) installation (Level D) - Prepare your slides (for oral presentation) or posters (for paper-poster presentation)Template for the slides (oral presentation): all the oral presentations should be prepared in Powerpoint or Open Office, strictly complying with the mandatory template in PPTX (PPT version, PDF version). The oral presentation time is 12-13 mn each. They will have to be submitted on-line to the preview system by March 31 (URL is coming soon), and only in emergency case by email to: tra2014@ifsttar.fr Template for the paper-poster presentation: all the paper-poster presentations should be prepared in Powerpoint or Open Office, strictly complying with the mandatory template (PPT version ,PDF version). They will have to be printed and delivered on site by the authors, and submitted on-line to the preview system by March 31 (URL is coming soon), and only in emergency case by email to: tra2014@ifsttar.fr At least one author per paper or shall be registered to TRA2014 by Feb.1, and one author per poster (Outreach marketplace) by Feb. 14. Early bird rate expires on Feb. 1. 1. Final revised papersAuthors whose full paper(s) have been accepted are invited to submit the revised final version using the template: Full paper template and instructions: doc file - dot model - pdfand are asked to fully comply with the instructions included in this template and the reviewers/PC comments. They may download here a checklist of the most frequent no compliances. The final paper must be submitted on line, in English, by December 20 2013 (no delays). The submission must be made in "MY SPACE > Submissions". Click on the pencil (Action, on the right "Edit") and then follow the instructions. All authors are invited to carefully check and update if needed the metadata of their papers, which will be used to design the conference programme, list of authors, etc., by December 20, 2013: - Paper title should exactly match the final title. - List of authors: the authors should appear in the same order and with the same affiliation than in the paper. - Keywords (in English) should be the same and appear in the same order than in the paper - The final abstract (in English) should be copied and paste on line in the right box. - DO NOT modify the topic of the paper, agreed by the PC. - The paper should only be submitted in PDF with a standard or high quality resolution. Authors are invited to carefully check the paper/page layout before submitting. On-line conversion from any other format into PDF is hazardous. The final revised paper must be submitted under the same ID number than the accepted full paper. Any papers submitted under a different document ID number may be lost and remain unpublished. In case of doubt or if you experience any difficulty, please contact the administrator (HELP: @ Contact, at the bottom of the left menu). The authors of final accepted papers will be invited to present them either in an oral or a poster session. This decision, will be taken by the Programme Committee when finalising the programme, i.e. in January 2014, and will be based on several criteria but NOT on the paper quality. Authors will be informed about the session and day of their paper. At least one author (presenting author) must be registered to TRA2014 by Feb. 1, 2014, to get the paper published and presented. One author cannot endorse more than 2 papers. One author per paper can register at the reduced author's fee. Papers without registered author by Feb 1 will be cancelled. Authors' registration will be possible as soon as the final revised paper will be received an accepted, using the code given in the full paper notification. Copyright form: this Copyright form must be printed, fulfiled and signed by all the authors of full papers and returned by January 17, by email to: tra2014@ifsttar.fr Explanations about the Copyright transfer agreement: copyright_infos_en.pdf Accepted papers will be published in the conference electronic proceedings on USB stick. 2. Invited SessionsOrganizers of accepted Invited Sessions should submit the detailed session proposal by September 30, 2013. This proposal should contain a full programme, a list of speakers and/or panelists and a schedule (1hr15 mn for the whole session). The submission process is the same as for a full paper, using the submission form available below. The invited session proposal should be submitted under the same document ID as the accepted summary. For each accepted invited session, up to 6 speakers/panelists (incl. the organiser, chair and modetator if any) can register at the reduced author's fee. The chair, speakers and panelists must register by Feb. 1, 2014, otherwise the invigted session will be cancelled. The session chair will have to provide a short session report by May 1, 2014, to be published after the conference. Information about invited sessions - Invited Session submission form: doc - pdf 3. Outreach Marketplaces - Call for Outreach Marketplaces - Info for companiesTo encourage industrial participation at TRA2014, companies (large companies and SMEs) are invited to submit Outreach Marketplaces, i.e. posters only. The aim is to demonstrate the impact of research on industrial deployment, job creation and the response to societal challenges, and to showcase on-going industrial projects and achievements of industrial research. Innovative and original products and achievements are expected, but no commercial presentations or company-only descriptions (which are welcome in company exhibition booths). Outreach Marketplaces template and instructions: doc. ppt doc.pdfOutreach Marketplaces are also welcome from on-going research projects still at an early stage or without final results. The presenting author of each Outreach marketplace must register to TRA2014 by Feb. 14, 2014 (not eligible to the author's reduced fee, reserved to the paper's authors). Agreement for poster publication: this Poster publication agreement form must be printed, fulfiled and signed by all the authors of accepted posters (Outreach marketplace) and returned by January 24, by email to: tra2014@ifsttar.fr IMPORTANT: Before any submission, and to get access to the "Submit" page, you must sign up (create an account) on this web site. All your co-authors must also have an account (it's free). * * * Key datesApril 30, 2013 - Submission deadline for abstracts and invited sessions (postponed from March) June 30, 2013 - Notification of review decisions to authors and invited session organisers September 30, 2013 -Submission deadline for full papers November 30, 2013 - Submission extended deadline for Outreach Marketplace (posters only) as well as notification of final decisions on invited sessions December 9, 2013 - Notification of review decision to authors on full papers December 20, 2013 - Submission deadline for revised full papers February 1, 2014 - Early bird registration expires, authors' registration deadline March 1, 2014 - Full programme display April 14-17, 2014 - TRA 2014 |