TRA 2014 - Programme
Last update: April 6th.
Programme at-a-glance Register: Print Official TRA web site
| 9:00-10:30 | | 11:00-12:30 | | 14:00-15:30 | | 16:00-17:30 | 17:30-19:00 | 20:00 |
Sunday 13 |
Registration |
Day 1: Monday 14 |
Scientific & Technical Sessions 1-9 |
Opening Session |
Scientific & Technical Sessions 10-18 |
Plenary Session 1 |
Strategic Sessions 1-4 |
WIiT: technical tour |
WIiT |
WIiT |
Women Issues in Transportation (WIiT) |
WIiT dinner |
Day 2: Tuesday 15 |
Scientific & Technical Sessions 19-27 |
Plenary Session 2 |
Scientific & Technical Sessions 28-36 |
Strategic Sessions 5-8 |
Invited Sessions 1-15 |
Gala Dinner |
Day 3: Wednesday 16 |
Scientific & Technical Sessions 37-46 |
Plenary Session 3 |
Scientific & Technical Sessions 47-53 |
Strategic Sessions 9-12 |
Strat. Sess. 13 |
Invited Sessions 16-30 |
Day 4: Thursday 17 |
Scientific & Technical Sessions 54-63 |
Closure Session |
Invited Sessions 31-45 |
ALICE (GA) / Metrofreight |
Type of sessions
Plenary Sessions (PS)
Strategic Sessions (SS)
Scientific and Technical Sessions STS
Invited Sessions (IS)
Joint Conferences ( WIiT  , AUN = Airports in Urban Networks  , 13eSFSET = 13e Séminaire francophone de socio-économie des transports EN:  - FR:  )
Associated Events: FIT: Distracted driving  , ITTECOP: Infrastructures of land transports, ecosystems and landscapes, ENT III: Annual Conference Era-Net Transport  , OPTIMA (IDRRIM+ATEC-ITS France + CF-AIPCR): Optimisation of infrastructure and mobility in agglomeration  , PREDIM: ITS for sustainable and safe mobility EN:  - FR:  , FSR: Road safety - between scientific research and social representations  , PIANC workshop  , ERTICO: ITS World 2015, ALICE: European logistic platform  , Metrofreight 
Detailed Programme List of the Scientific and Technical Sessions (STS) by topics (rooms/chairs) -  - Full STS programme and Chairperson list - Full Invited Session programme per rooms - Outreach Marketplace (posters only)
| Day 1: Monday 14 April |
9:00 - 10:30 |
Scientific and Technical Sessions 1-9 -
1 - Electromobility (Jean Delsey, IFSTTAR, FR) 2 - Shipping and the environment (Savas Geivanidis, AUTh, GR) 3 - ICT and telecommunication (Herman Meyer, ERTICO) |
4 - Auscultation and monitoring asset conditions (Pieter de Winne, AVW, BE) 5 - Materials for vehicles and vessels (Andreas Teibinger, Virtual Vehicle, AT) 6 - High speed train (Manuel Pereira, ERRAC) |
7 - Traffic management and routing (Jordi Casas, Transport Simulation Systems, ES) 8 - Urban mobility and eco-mobility (Andres Monzon, University of Madrid, SP) 9 - Security in transportation (Xavier Delache, MEDDE, FR) |
Coffee break |
11:00 - 12:45 |
Opening Session: "From Research to Deployment: a Driver for Job Creation in Europe" (Amphis Léonard de Vinci + Goethe)
Official opening: Frédéric Cuvillier, French Minister in charge of Transport
Welcome: Jean-Bernard Kovarik, Chairman of TRA 2014 Management Committee
Stakeholders: Simon Grima, Chairman of CEDR, Wolfgang Steiger, Chairman of ERTRAC, Joseph Doppelbauer, Chairman of ERRAC, Willem Laros, Chairman of Waterborne TP
Keynote addresses
Mrs Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, Commissioner for Research and Innovation, European Commission, Mr José Viegas, International Transport Forum (OECD/ITF) Secretary General
Young Researchers Awards - TRA VISIONS TRA2014 exhibition offical opening
Lunch |
14:00 - 15:30 |
Scientific and Technical Sessions 10-18 -
10 - Electrification and hybridisation (Maurizio Maggiore, EC/R&I) 11 - Climate change and transports (Michel André, IFSTTAR, FR) 12 - Heavy commercial, innovative vehicles (Joakim Svensson, Volvo, SE)
13 - ADAS and automatic driving (Jean-Marc Blosseville, IFSTTAR, FR) 14 - Geotechnics (Antonio Gomes Correia, University of Minho, PT) 15 - Asphalt materials (Gáspár László, KTI, HU)
16 - Fibre reinforced and materials for infrastructure (Aleš Žnidarič, ZAG, SI) 17 - Traffic and congestion monitoring (Antonio Lemonde de Macedo, LNEC, PT) 18 - Pedestrian and powered two wheelers (Peter Saleh, AIT, AT)
Coffee break |
16:00 - 17:30 |
Plenary Session 1: "Life style and Mobility patterns of the Future" -  (Amphis Léonard de Vinci + Goethe)
Fotis Karamitsos, Acting Deputy Director general DG Mobility and Transport, Colette Horel, Director of territorial action of RATP, Roger Kesteloot, CEO of De Lijn (Belgium), Ann Frye, International specialist in mobility of elderly and disabled passengers (UK), Dr Peter Verlic, Mayor of Grosuplje and Manager at the Institute of traffic and transport Ljubljana (Slovenia), Guy Maugis, CEO of Bosch France
17:30 - 19:00 |
SS 1: "Electrification of transport - a sustainable approach" (Amphi Goethe)
Giovanni De Santi (EC/JRC), Rémi Bastien (Renault), Christian Schmidt (BMW), Guillaume Devauchelle (Valeo), Helmut List (AVL), Stefan Baguette (SOLARIS)
SS 2: "Competence building for smart growth" (Room Darwin 6)
Pierre Schmitz (Région de Bruxelles, Belgique), Marc Charlet (MOVEO cluster, France), Glenda Napier (The Danish Cluster Academy), Bruno Grandjean (Car2road, Véhicule du futur), Ion Marculscu (ETREC, Romania), Yvon Peurou (Gruau Industry/ID4Car)
SS 3: "The wireless revolution in support of a user-oriented integrated transport" (Room Darwin 4+5)
Claire Depré (EC/DG M&T), Natalia de Estevan (Transport for London, UK), Carlo van de Weijer (TOM-TOM, NL), Eva van den Bossche (Flemish Agency for Roads and Traffic, BE), Patrice Reilhac (Valeo, FR)
SS 4: "Urban innovation and change: the dynamic nexus of transport, environment and health" (Amphi Léonard de Vinci)
José Viegas (ITF/OECD), Khatuna Gogaladze (Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Protection, Georgia), Eva Molnar (UNECE), Srdan Matic (WHO), Fred London (John Thompson and Partners, UK), Mayor or representative of a large city
| Day 2: Tuesday 15 April |
9:00 - 10:30 |
Scientific and Technical Sessions 19-27 -
19 - Reducing pollutant emissions (Panagiota Dilara, EC/JRC) 20 - Inland waterways and logistics (Paris Sansoglou, EU Dredger Ass., BE) 21 - Urban logistics (1) (Wanda Debauche, BRRC, BE)
22 - Travel information (Pierre-Yves Gilliéron, EPFL, CH) 23 - Construction and rehabilitation of railways (Ludger Rogge, EC/M&T) 24 - Greening and recycling for materials and pavement (Pedro Partal, University of Huelva, SP)
25 - Public transport modes (André Peny, RATP, FR) 26 - Data and statistics for accidents (Rob Eenink, SWOV, NL) 27 - Land use and planning (Dominique Mignot, IFSTTAR, FR)
Coffee break |
11:00 - 12:30 |
Plenary Session 2: "How Efficient is the European Freight Transport System?" -  (Amphis Léonard de Vinci + Goethe)
Peter Sweatman, Director UMTRI & ITS America, Ralph T. Keck, Director Product Supply Chain Innovation, Procter & Gamble, Michael Nielsen, General Delegate IRU, Anders Berger, acting Vice-President Transport Solutions, Volvo, Raymond Vidil, CEO Armateurs de France
Lunch |
14:00 - 15:30 |
Scientific and Technical Sessions 28-36 -
28 - Energy management (Alessandro Coda, EUCAR) 29 - Noise and vibrations (Darko Kokot, ZAG, SI) 30 - Rail freight (Blaise de Vadder, EC/R&I)
31 - Urban logistics (2) (Michel Savy, ENPC, FR) 32 - Health, social and gender issues (Owen Waygood, University of Laval, CA) 33 - Infrastructure maintenance and repair (Anne Beeldens, BRRC, BE)
34 - Mobility assessment and survey (Jérôme Pourbaix, UITP) 35 - Integrated public transport services (Yves Amsler, UITP) 36 - Infrastructure and road safety (Anna Vadeby, VTI, SE)
Coffee break |
16:00 - 17:30 |
SS 5: "Co-evolution of fuels and powertrains for the competitiveness of the automotive industry" (Room Darwin 4+5)
Jean-Luc di Paola-Galloni (Valeo/ERTRAC), Nevio Di Giusto (CRF), Pierre Macaudière (PSA), Wolfgang Steiger (Volkswagen/ ERTRAC), Daniel Le Breton (Total), Neville Jackson (Ricardo)
SS 6: "The strategic role of rail research in Horizon 2020 and beyond" (Amphi Goethe)
Bernadette Frédérick (EC/DG M&T), Josef Doppelbauer (ERRAC, Bombardier), Andy Doherty (ERRAC, Network Rail), Manuel Pereira (ERRAC, Lisbon Technical Institute)
SS 7: "Alternative fuels in maritime transportation" (Room Darwin 6)
Eric Banel (Armateurs de France), Gerd-Michael Wuersig (DNV-GL, DE), Jacques Rottenberg (ELENGY, Fr), Frédéric Pouget (Brittany Ferries, FR), Glenn Mattas (Wartsila Finland Oy), Patrik Klintbom (VOLVO Group, SE)
SS 8: "International cooperation in transport research" (Amphi Léonard de Vinci)
Alessandro Damiani (EC/DG R&I), Stephen Perkins (ITF/OECD), Andrei Dzikus (UN-Habitat), Alasdair Cain (US DoT/RITA), Siegfied Rupprecht (Ruppecht Consult), Vincent Blervaque (ERTICO), Yulin Jiang (CATS/CUSTReC, CN), Ralf Willenbrock (T-Systems International, CN)
17:30 - 19:00 |
Special Session "Snapshots from the future"
(Room Darwin 4+5)
A special session organized in the "Pecha Kucha" style will offer the vision of eight high-level speakers on the transport system in the years 2030-2050. Maria-Cristina Marolda (EC, DG M&T), Bob Skinner (TRB Executive Director), Joris Al (Rijkswaterstaat/CEDR/FEHRL), Sandra Rosenbloom (Urban Institute), Andrea Ricci (ISIS, Institute of Studies for the Integration of Systems), François Jégou (Strategic Design Scenarios), Maryvonne Plessy-Fraissard (MPF Consult), Philippe Crist (OECD/ITF), Pietro Perlo (Interactive Fully Electrical Vehicles, IFEVS)
Invited Sessions 1-15 -
1 - Fuelling clean transport: the JEC Well-to-Wheels (WTW) methodology for comparing alternative fuel and vehicle options, Alois Krasenbrink (EC/JRC) 2 - CAPIRE – Supporting the Green Vehicles in H2020, David Storer (CRF, IT) 3 - Implementing green corridors in Europe, Harilaos Psaraftis (Technical University of Denmark, DK) 4 - Managing risk and resilience in sustainable logistics and supply chain management for urban supply, Klaus Krumme (University of Duisburg, DE) 5 - Best practices and intelligent solutions for urban freight transportation, Christophe Rizet (IFSTTAR) 6 - SHIFT²RAIL – Increased capacity, consolidate reliability for efficient and sustainable rail transport and a competitive European rail industry, Philippe Citroën (UNIFE) 7 - Changing Habits for Urban Mobility Solutions (CHUMS), John Nelson (Aberdeen University, UK) 8 - Creating the next generation of urban interchanges for an integrated urban mobility system, Sylvain Haon (Polis) 9 - Passenger travel behaviour changes in cities and metropolitan areas: What are the emerging challenges to transport policy in Europe?, Elisabete Arsenio (LNEC, PT) 10 - Sustainable urban mobility in Europe, the Mediterranean, Asia and Latin-America, André Dzikus (UN-Habitat, Kenya) 11 - The Second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2): results and lessons learned, Ann Brach (TRB) 12 - Sharing CMFs: an OECD report offers a world of possibilities, Jennifer Ogle (Clemson University, USA) 13 - How to create a sustainable platform for ERA-NET TRANSPORT research funding programs and project results?, Martin Russ (AustriaTech) 14 - Training young PhD students in transport through the international TransportNET network: experiences and lessons, Yves Crozet (LET/University of Lyon, FR) 15 - Ex-post evaluation of Transport Research and Innovation in the FP7, Maria Boile (CERTH, GR)
| Day 3: Wednesday 16 April |
9:00 - 10:30 |
Scientific and Technical Sessions 37-45 -
37 - Heavy duty electric vehicles (Loek van Seeters, DAF, NL) 38 - Eco-driving (Zissis Samaras, AUTh, GR) 39 - Engines and powertrains (Josef Affenzeller, ERTRAC/AVL, AT)
40 - Logistics : terminals and ICT (Gabriel Mialocq, EC/R&I) 41 - ITS, implementation, assessment and impacts (Peter Sweatman, UMTRI/ITS, US) 42 - Pavement performance and durability (André-Gilles Dumont, EPFL, CH)
43 - Infrastructure for inland navigation (Michael Fastenbauer, via donau, AT) 44 - Infrastructure and mobility pricing, policy measures (Charles Raux, LET, FR) 45 - System safety, control and detection (Andrew Parkes, TRL, UK)
Coffee break |
11:00 - 12:30 |
Plenary Session 3: "Infrastructure: Backbone and Challenge for the Economy" -  (Amphis Léonard de Vinci + Goethe)
Yves Krattinger, Senator French Parliament, Andrzej Maciejewski, Deputy General Director for Polish National Roads and Motorways (Poland), Victor Schoenmakers, Director of European & International Affairs, Port of Rotterdam, Francisco Esteban Lefler, Chairman of European Construction Technology Plateform, Philippe Veyrunes, TGS Strategy Director Infrastructure, Alstom Transport (France), Jean-Louis Marchand, Chairman USIRF and Advancity.
Lunch |
14:00 - 15:30 |
Scientific and Technical Sessions 46-53 -
46 - Liquid and gaseous fuels (Kenneth Rose, ExxonMobil, US) 47 - Comodal freight, supply chain, corridors (Gerard Waldron, ARRB, AU) 48 - Driver, driving simulation and naturalistic driving (William Bird, EC/R&I)
49 - Climate resilient roads (Jon Krokeborg, NPRA, NO) 50 - Asset management and financing infrastructure (Yves Crozet, LET, FR) 51 - Factors of accidents (Gianfranco Burzio, ACEA)
52 - Mobility and traffic modelling and simulation (Laura Lonza, EC/JRC) 53 - Research policy and training (Patrick Mercier-Handisyde, EC/R&I)
Coffee break |
16:00 - 17:30 |
SS 9: "Rail as an attractive and sustainable mode for the future" (Room Darwin 5)
Christopher Irwin (EPF),Ralph Muller (DB, DE), Jean-Pierre Loubinoux (UIC), Daniel Cadet (Alstom Transport, FR), Mark Robinson (Newrail, UK), Nicolas Blain (RATP, FR), Marcel Verslype (ERA) tbc
SS 10: "Waterborne: future and innovation" (Room Darwin 6)
Willem Laros (Waterborne TP), Thomas Witolla (Meyerwerft, DE), Ken Wittamore (ICOMIA, UK), Massimo De Benedetti (Fincantieri, IT), François Duthoit (DCNS, FR), Luciano Manzon (SEA Europe, BE)
SS 11: "Facing the crisis: high-performing infrastructure network" (Amphi Goethe)
Keir Fitch (EC/DG M&T), Raimo Tapio (Finnish Road Directorate), Stefan Strick (BASt, DE), Andy Doherty (Network Rail, UK), Athena Romboutsos (University of the Aegean, GR), Jean-Claude Delen (CLECAT/DHL, BE)
SS 12: "Transport safety in Europe: a cross-modal approach" (Amphi Léonard de Vinci)
George Yannis (NTUA), Ellen Townsend (European Transport Safety Council), Chris Carr (European Railway Agency), Horst Schulze (BASt/FERSI), Torkel Bjørnskau (TOI/ECTRI)
17:30 - 19:00 |
SS 13: "Horizon 2020: Innovating mobility / Mobilising innovation" (Amphi Goethe)
Liam Breslin (EC/DG R&I), Manuela Soares (EC/DG R&I), Keir Fitch (EC/DG M&T), Oliver Althoff (TUV Rheinland Group/ ERANET Electromobility+), Ezio Andreta (APRE, IT) EU Champions of Transport Research Award Ceremony by the European Commission and key industry representatives
Invited Sessions 16-30 -
16 - Sustainability and energy efficient management of roads, Åsa Lindgren (STA, SE) 17 - iMobility Forum, supporting smart clean and safe mobility, Alessandro Coda (EUCAR) 18 - Technologies for electrification of urban bus systems, Umberto Guida (UITP) 19 - Air pollution from the transports, Séverine Kirchner (CSTB, FR) 20 - European noise directive and road noise, Wiebe Alberts (RWS, NL) 21 - T-TRANS - Enhancing the transfer of ITS innovations to the market, Miquel Angel Piera (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, ES) 22 - Transport Network ITS spatial data, Kees Wevers (ERTICO) 23 - Road owners adapting to climate change, Kees van Muiswinkel (NL) 24 - Land transport infrastructures and compensatory measures, Valery Lemaitre (MEDDE, FR) 25 - Integrated System for Transport infrastructures surveillance and Structural Health Monitoring, Vincenzo Cuomo (CNR, IT) 26 - Building up infrastructure networks of a sustainable Europe (reFINE), Hill Terry (Arup) 27 - CEDR transnational road research programme, Albert Daly (CEDR/NRA, IE) 28 - Asset management and monitoring for ageing rail infrastructure, Kenneth Gavin (UCD, IE) 29 - Inland navigation, ports and intermodal, Marc Papinutti (VNF, FR) 30 - Making THE Transport-Health-Environment link, Mihail Kochubovski (Ministry of Health, Republic of Macedonia)
| Day 4: Thursday 17 April |
9:00 - 10:30 |
Scientific and Technical Sessions 54-62 -
54 - Air pollution modelling (Heather Hamje, CONCAWE) 55 - Human behavior and factors, perception and visibility (Isabelle Dussutour, ID4Car, FR) 56 - Infrastructure lifecycle and deterioration (Bernard Halphen, CEREMA, FR)
57 - Navigation, positioning and GNSS (Markus Schumacher, BAST, DE) 58 - Human factors and safety (Horst Schulze, BAST, DE) 59 - Safety policy and economics (Luca Persia, University of Rome, IT)
60 - Bicycles (Randy Rzewnicki, ECF) 61 - Rail certification and competitive- ness (Mark Robinson, Newrail, UK) 62 - Ship design and assessment (Massimo Debenedetti, Fincantieri, IT)
Coffee break |
11:00 - 12:45 |
Closing Session: "Innovation in Transport- the way to go" (Amphi Léonard de Vinci)
Keynote speakers:Robert-Jan Smits, General Director for Research and Innovation, Robert Skinner, Chairman of TRB (USA), X..., Ile-de-France Regional Council
TRA Awards:Bernard Jacob, Chairman of the TRA2014 Programme Committee
Conclusions and perspectives: George Giannopoulos, Chairman of ETRA and ECTRI
Closing Address: Geneviève Fioraso,French Minister of higher Education and Research, Frédéric Cuvillier, French Minister in charge of Transport Handing over to TRA2016: Elzbieta Bienkowska, Polish Vice Prime minister, Minister of Transportation.
14:00 - 16:00 |
Invited Sessions 31-44 -
31 -The ship of the future : national programme and implementations, François Duthoit (DCNS, FR) 32- Developing supporting mechanisms for R&D SMEs for Electro-mobility, Sunil Maher (Coventry University Enterprises Ltd, UK) 33 - The first large-scale naturalistic driving study in Europe, Yvonne Barnard (ERTICO) 34 - Railways - climate change compliance for mobility, Alexandre Kaddouri (SNCF, FR) 35 - Transport Innovation Transferability Workshop: Best Practice Examples from TIDE and SOLUTIONS, Siegfried Rupprecht (Rupprecht Consult) 36 - Human centred design and acceptability of ICT for ecomobility, Evangelos Bekiaris (CERTH, GR) 37 - COST Action TU1001 (Public Private Partnerships in Transport: Trends & Theory): The Future in Transport Infrastructure Financing, Athena Roumboutsos (University of the Aegean, GR) 38 - How to deal with the variety of stakeholders and scales for freight transport? The interest of a systems approach, Caroline Almeras (ECTRI) 39 - Satellite Positioning Performance Assessment for Road Transport, François Peyret (IFSTTAR, FR) 40 - How the Forever Open Road (FOR) responds to the challenges faced by the European transport system, Bob Collis (TRL, UK) 41 - Roads safety economics: some highlights for the public decision making, Part I (Stakes): Anna Vadeby (VTI/ECTRI, FI), Part II (Advantages/limits): Horst Schulze (BASt/FERSI, DE) 42 - A new tool for the prevention and mitigation of railway suicides and trespass, Jacques Colliard (UIC) 43 - Education and training of transport researchers for the future ERA, George Giannopoulos (ETRA & ECTRI) 44 - Light weight structures and materials in future vehicles, Andreas Dorda (A3PS, AT)