
Day 3: Wednesday April 16, 14:00-15:30

STS 46: Liquid and gaseous fuels

Oral presentations

Biomethane in urban bus transport in Poland
Wojciech Gis 1,, Jerzy Waskiewicz 1, Maciej Gis 2,
1: Motor Transport Institute (ITS)
Jagiellońska Street 80 03-301 Warsaw- Poland
2: Warsaw Univerisity of Technology The Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering
Narbutta Street 80 02-524 Warsaw- Poland
The consequences of increasing fuel prices on car travel and household budgets
Richard Grimal 1,2,
1: French Technical Department of Studies on Roads and Transport (SETRA)
French Technical Department of Studies on Roads and Transport
110 rue de Paris 77171 Sourdun - France- France
2: French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, Development and Networks (IFSTTAR) -
French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, Development and Networks
14-20 Bld Newton, B524 Cité Descartes, Champs-Sur-Marne, F-77447 MARNE-LA-VALLEE Cedex 2- France
The impact of road geometry and surface roughness on fuel consumption for Swedish logging trucks
Gunnar Svenson 1,, Dag Fjeld 2,
1: The Forestry Research Institute of Sweden (Skogforsk) -
Uppsala Science Park S-75183 Uppsala- Sweden
2: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) -
S-901 83 Umeå- Sweden
Accessibility analysis as an urban planning tool: Gas station location
Diego Escobar 1,, Carlos Cadena_gaitán 2, Francisco Garcia 1,
1: National University of Colombia - Department of Civil Engineering (UNAL) -
Carrera 27 #64-60, Manizales, Caldas- Colombia
2: United Nations University – School of Governance (UNUMERIT) -
KeizerKarelplein19,6211TCMaastricht- Netherlands
The Development of an innovative on-board CNG storage system for methane-fuelled cars conducted within the FP7 EU project "InGAS‟
David Storer 1, Giorgio Menzato 1, Volker Strubel 2, Michael Kleschinski 2, Bernhard Kiener 3, Jerzy Kaleta 4, Pawel Gasior 4, Wojciech Blazejewski 4, Georg Mair 5, Christian Gregor 5,
1: Centro Ricerche Fiat (CRF) -
Strada Torino 50, 10043 Orbassano (TO)- Italy
2: xperion Energy & Environment GmbH (xperion)
Kassel- Germany
3: Ventrex (Ventrex)
Graz- Austria
4: Wroclaw University of Technology (WRUT)
Wroclaw- Poland
5: BAM Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung (BAM)
Unter den Eichen 87;12205;Berlin- Germany

Poster presentations

Statistical evaluation of slope's effect on real emissions and fuel consumption performed with different cars in Naples urban area
Livia Della Ragione 1,, Giovanni Meccariello 1,, Maria Vittoria Prati 1,, Maria Antonietta Costagliola 1,,
1: Instituto Motori (CNR)
Via Marconi, 6 80125 Napoli- Italy
Demand for gasoline in Greece: the effect of economic recession
Christina Milioti 1,, Matthew Karlaftis 1,,
1: National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) -
Zografou Campus: Heroon Polytechniou 5, 15773 Zografou, Greece- Greece

STS 47: Comodal freight, supply chain, corridors

Oral presentations

Cooperation between waterways and railways, an unnatural alliance. Rail strategic development of river ports in the Greater Paris Region.
Antoine Beyer 1,, Laetitia Verhaeghe 2,
1: Université Paris-Est, IFSTTAR/Splott (IFSTTAR) -
PRES Université Paris-Est,IFSTTAR
Boulevard Newton, Champs sur Marne, F-77447 Marne la Vallée Cedex 2- France
2: Université Paris-1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Université Paris-1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Magistère d'aménagement, Paris- France
A pan-European ecosystem for intelligent cargo and its impact on emission reduction
Martin Dobler 1,, Jens Schumacher 1,,
1: The Process- and Product-Engineering research centre (FHV) -
Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences Process- and Product-Engineering Hochschulstrasse 1 6850 Dornbirn Austria- Austria
How green are the TEN-T core network corridors?
George Panagakos 1, Harilaos Psaraftis 2,
1: National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) -
Patision Complex: 28 Oktovriou (Patision) 42, 10682 Athens, Greece Zografou Campus: Heroon Polytechniou 9, 15780 Zografou, Greece- Greece
2: Technical University of Denmark (DTU) -
Lyngby, Denmark- Denmark
How to create a management structure for transport corridors
Maria öberg 1,, Kristina Nilsson 1,, Charlotta Johansson 1,,
1: Luleå University of Technology
Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering Division of Architecture and Water Luleå University of Technology 971 87 Luleå- Sweden
Smart logistics corridors and the benefits of Intelligent Transport Systems
Maarten Oonk 1,,
1: Netherlands Organisation for applied scientific research-TNO (TNO) -
Van Mourik Broekmanweg 6- Netherlands

Poster presentations

GRAIMOD: a tool for making enterprise supply chain sustainable
Paul-Eric Dossou 1, Philip Mitchell 2,
1: Institut Catholique d'Arts et Métiers (ICAM) -
Institut Catholique d'Arts et Métiers (ICAM)
Site de Paris-Sénart 11, rue Georges Charpak 77127 Lieusaint - Sénart- France
2: Institut Catholique d'Arts et Métiers (ICAM) -
Institut Catholique d'Arts et Métiers (ICAM)
La Roche-sur-Yon, France- France
Evaluation of transport modes for petroleum derived products by the complete cost method
Dante Bachi Junior 1, Geraldo Lucio Tiago Filho 1, Maria Rachel Russo Seydell 1,,
1: Federal University of Itajuba (UNIFEI) -
Av. BPS, 1303 - Bairro Pinheirinho, 37500-290 - Itajuba, MG- Brazil
Accelerating a shift from road to rail freight transport in Germany -Three scenarios
Kilian Frey 1,, Johannes Hartwig 2, Claus Doll 3,
1: Federal Environment Agency (UBA) -
Wörlitzer Platz 1, 06844 Dessau- Germany
2: Fraunhofer Institute for System and Innovation Research ISI -
Breslauer Strasse 48 76139 Karlsruhe- Germany
3: Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI) -
Breslauer Str. 48 76139 Karlsruhe- Germany
The Mediterranean railway corridor: territorialising multiple visions of a macro-regional axis
Eloïse Libourel 1,
1: Laboratoire Ville, Mobilité, Transport (LVMT) -
Ecole des Ponts ParisTech,Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée (UPEMLV),IFSTTAR UMR-T 9403
Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, Cité Descartes, 6 et 8 avenue Blaise Pascal, 77454 Marne-la-Vallée cedex 2- France
TelliSys - An innovative intermodal transport system
Alexia Fenollar Solvay 1,, Max Haberstroh 1,, Max Klingender 1, Daniel Schilberg 1, Sabina Jeschke 1,
1: Institute of Information Management in Mechanical Engineering of the RWTH Aachen University (IMA - RWTH Aachen) -
Dennewartstraße 27, 52068 Aachen- Germany
Effect of a full internalization of external costs of global supply chains on production, trade and transport
Lorant Tavasszy 1,2, Jorrit Harmsen 1, Olga Ivanova 1, Tatyana Bulavskaya 2,
1: TNO
PO Box 49, 2600AA Delft- Netherlands
2: Delft University of Technology
PO Box 5015, 2600 GA Delft- Netherlands
The role of corridor development in boosting the European industrial future based on Northern Scandinavian mines
Jenni Eckhardt 1, Jarkko Rantala 2,
1: Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT) -
P.O.Box 1100, 90571 Oulu- Finland
2: Tampere University of Technology (TUT) -
P.O. Box 541, 33101 Tampere- Finland

STS 48: Driver, driving simulation and naturalistic driving

Oral presentations

Cab and system design influence on metro drivers' performance: preliminary study.
Aleksandrs Rjabovs 1, Roberto Palacin 1, Mark Robinson 2,
1: Newcastle University (UNEW) -
NewRail - Newcastle Centre for Railway Research Stephenson building - Faculty of Science, Agriculture and Engineering NE1 7RU - Newcastle upon Tyne- United Kingdom
2: Newcastle university (UNEW) -
Newcastle University Stephenson Building Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 7RU- United Kingdom
'Now or later?' Understanding adolescents' time-frame for their intentions to obtain a driving license and own a car
Sigrun Sigurdardottir 1, Sigal Kaplan 1,2, Mette Møller 1,
1: Technical University of Denmark (DTU Transport)
Bygningstorvet 116V DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby- Denmark
2: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU (DENMARK) (DTU Transport) -
Bygningstorvet 116B DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby- Denmark
Assessing individual driver's relative performance at curve: applying Data Envelopment Analysis on simulator data
Seddigheh Babaee 1, Yongjun Shen 1,, Elke Hermans 1,, Geert Wets 1,, Tom Brijs 1,, Caroline Ariën 1,,
1: Hasselt University, Transportation research institute (IMOB)
Campus Diepenbeek Science Park 5 BE 3590 Diepenbeek- Belgium
Attitudes of Greek drivers towards mobile phone use while driving
George Yannis 1,, Athanasios Theofilatos 1, Paraskevi Marinou 1,
1: National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) -
Patision Complex: 28 Oktovriou (Patision) 42, 10682 Athens, Greece Zografou Campus: Heroon Polytechniou 9, 15780 Zografou, Greece- Greece
Impact evaluation of speed regulation systems using naturalistic driving data: The EuroFOT example.
Guillaume Saint Pierre 1, Hélène Tattegrain 2, Clément Val 3,
1: Research Laboratory for Advanced Driving Assistance Systems, Components and Systems Department, (IFSTTAR-COSYS-LIVIC) -
25 Allée des Marronniers, F-78000 Versailles, France- France
2: Ergonomics and Cognitive Sciences Laboratory for Transport. Transport, health and safety department of the French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, Development and Networks (IFSTTAR) (IFSTTAR-TS2-LESCOT) -
25 Avenue François Mitterand, 69675, Bron, France- France
3: European Centre of Studies on Safety and Risk Analysis (CEESAR) -
132 rue des Suisses, 92000 NANTERRE, France- France

Poster presentations

Youths' development in attitudes, driver behaviour and accidents - a cohort study
Torkel Bjornskau 1, Agathe Backer-Grondahl 2,
1: Institute of Transport Economics (TOI) -
Gaustadalleen 21 0349- Norway
2: The Norwegian Center for Child Behavioral Development -
P.O. Box7053 Majorstuen 0306 Oslo- Norway
UDRIVE: the European naturalistic driving study
Rob Eenink 1, Yvonne Barnard 2,, Martin Baumann 3, Xavier Augros 4, Fabian Utesch 3,
1: SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research (SWOV)
PO Box 1090 NL 2260 BB Leidschendam- Netherlands
2: ERTICO - ITS Europe
Avenue Louise 326 B-1050 Brussel- Belgium
3: German Aerospace Center (DLR) (DLR)
Institute of Transportation Systems | Lilienthalplatz 7 | 38108 Braunschweig Germany- Germany
4: Volvo Group Trucks Technology
Volvo Group Trucks Technology
TER E70 2 12 - 1 avenue Henri Germain 69800 Saint Priest - France- France
First findings from a simulator study on driving behaviour of drivers with cerebral diseases
Dimosthenis Pavlou 1,, Eleonora Papadimitriou 1, George Yannis 1, Panagiotis Papantoniou 1, John Golias 1, Sokratis Papageorgiou 2,
1: National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) -
Patision Complex: 28 Oktovriou (Patision) 42, 10682 Athens, Greece Zografou Campus: Heroon Polytechniou 9, 15780 Zografou, Greece- Greece
2: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens -
75 Mikras Asias str., 11527 Goudi- Greece
First exploration of the effect of road and traffic environment on distracted driving through a driving simulator study
George Yannis 1, Eleonora Papadimitriou 1, Panagiotis Papantoniou 1, Dimosthenis Pavlou 1, John Golias 1,
1: National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) -
Patision Complex: 28 Oktovriou (Patision) 42, 10682 Athens, Greece Zografou Campus: Heroon Polytechniou 9, 15780 Zografou, Greece- Greece
Driving simulator : an innovative tool to test new road infrastructures
Fabrice Vienne 1, Stephane Caro 1, Désiré Lara 2, Jean-Michel Auberlet 1, Florence Rosey 3, Eric Dumont 1,
1: IFSTTAR / COSYS / LEPSIS (Laboratoire Exploitation, Perception, Simulateurs et Simulations)
14-20 Boulevard Newton Cité Descartes, Champs sur Marne F-77447 Marne la Vallée Cedex 2- France
2: Laboratoire Régional des Ponts et Chaussées de Saint-Brieuc (LR Saint-Bieuc)
CETE Ouest
5, rue Jules Vallès 22015 St Brieuc Cedex- France
3: CETE Normandie-Centre
Ministère de l'Ecologie, du Développement Durable et de l'Energie
10, chemin de la poudrière - BP 90245 - 76121 Le Grand-Quevilly cedex- France
Simulator vs. real traffic conditions: how different parameters influence the transferability of results
Maria Gemou 1,, Evangelos Bekiaris 1,,
1: Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH/HIT) -
Mesogeion Avenue 357-359, 15231, Chalandri- Greece

STS 49: Climate resilient roads

Oral presentations

Potential impact of climate change on porous asphalt with a focus on winter damage
Kyle Kwiatkowski 1,, Irina Stipanovic Oslakovic 2, Andreas Hartmann 3, Herbert Ter Maat 4,
1: University of Colorado Boulder, Civil Environmental and Architectural Engineering Dept. -
Boulder, Colorado 80309-0425- United States
2: University of Twente, Construction Management and Engineering Department (University of Twente, CME) -
P.O.Box 217 7500 AE Enschede- Netherlands
3: University of Twente, Faculty of Engineering Technology, Department of Construction Management and Engineering
PO Box 217 7500 AE Enschede- Netherlands
4: Alterra Wageningen (ESS-CC) -
Postbus 47 6700 AA Wageningen- Netherlands
Risk assessment of flooding of highways in the Netherlands
Dirk Pereboom 1,, Kees Van Muiswinkel 2, Thomas Bles 1,,
1: Deltares, Unit geo-engineering
P.O. Box 177, 2600 MH Delft, Netherlands- Netherlands
2: Rijkswaterstaat Water, Traffic, Environment (Rijkswaterstaat) -
Postbus 5044 2600 GA Delft, Netherlands- Netherlands
Blue spot analysis - a key component in climate adaptation of major Danish roads
Christian Axelsen 1,, Dr. Michael Larsen 1,,
1: Danish Road Directorate (DRD) -
Guldalderen 12, 2640 Hedehusene- Denmark
The impacts of climate change on pavement maintenanace costs in Queensland, Australia
Gary Chai 1, Rudi Van Staden 2, Hong Guan 1, Greg Kelly 1, Sanaul Chowdhury 1,
1: Griffith School of Engineering (Griffith University) -
Gold Coast campus, Queensland, QLD 4222- Australia
2: College of Engineering and Science (Victoria University) -
Melbourne, Victoria- Australia
Design guideline for a climate projection data base and specific climate indices for roads: CliPDaR
Christoph Matulla 1,, Joachim Namyslo 2,, Konrad Türk 1, Barbara Chimani 1,,
1: Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG) -
Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik Fachabteilung Klimaforschung Hohe Warte 38 A-1190 Wien- Austria
2: German National Meteorological Service (DWD) -
Deutscher Wetterdienst, Abt. Klima- und Umweltberatung, Frankfurter Str. 135, D-63067 Offenbach- Germany

Poster presentations

Adaptation of the road infrastructure to climate change
Carina Herrmann 1, Markus Auerbach 1,
1: Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt)
Bruederstraße 53, D-51427 Bergisch Gladbach- Germany
Life cycle impacts during early stages of road infrastructure planning: a case study in Sweden
Sofiia Miliutenko 1,, Carolina Liljenström 1, Helge Brattebø 2, Harpa Birgisdóttir 3, Susanna Toller 1,4, Kristina Lundberg 5, José Potting 1,6,
1: Royal Institute of Technology, Division of Environmental Strategies Research (KTH)
Drottning Kristinas väg 30, SE 100 44 Stockholm- Sweden
2: Department of Energy and Process Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
7491 Trondheim- Norway
3: Danish Building Research Institute, Aalborg University
A.C. Meyers Vænge 15, 2450 København SV- Denmark
4: Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket)
Solna strandväg 98, 171 54 Solna- Sweden
5: Ecoloop, Strategic Services & Sustainable Development
Mosebacke Torg 4, SE-116 46, Stockholm- Sweden
6: Environmental Systems Analysis Group, Wageningen University
PO Box 47, 6700 AA Wageningen- Netherlands
Intelligent controlled compact parking for modern parking management on German motorways
Jessica Kleine 1, Rainer Lehmann 1,,
1: Bundesanstalt fuer Strassenwesen
Bruederstr. 53 51427 Bergisch Gladbach- Germany
Tempered road system
Dirk Jansen 1,
1: Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt) -
Bruederstraße 53 51427 Bergisch Gladbach- Germany
The evaluation of road infrastructure development projects
Olivier Van Damme 1, Hinko Van Geelen 1, Patricia Courange 2,
1: Belgian Road Research Centre (BRRC)
Boulevard de la Woluwe, 42 1200 Brussels- Belgium
2: Brussels Mobility - Strategy Directorate
CCN – Rue du Progrès 80/1 – 1035 Bruxelles- Belgium

STS 50: Asset management and financing infrastructure

Oral presentations

Including risk into socio-economic evaluations of transportation projects
Hélène Le Maître 1, Xavier Delache 1,
1: Service d'études sur les transports, les routes et leurs aménagements (SETRA) -
110 rue de Paris 77171 Sourdun- France
Exploring alternatives in early design of large infrastructure projects
Therese Eriksson 1,, Anna Kadefors 1,, Jan Bröchner 1,
1: Chalmers University of Technology
Chalmers Tekniska Högskola 41296 Göteborg- Sweden
Impacts of infrastructure projects on competitiveness
Jan Kiel 1, Barry Ubbels 1, Joko Purwanto 2, Heyndrickx Christophe 2, Ofelia Betancor 3, Pilar Socorro 3, Aday Hernandez 3, Martijn Smit 4, Barbara Pawlowska 5, Ralf Fiedler 6,
1: Panteia BV -
Bredewater 26 Zoetermeer- Netherlands
2: Transport & Mobility Leuven (TML) -
Diestsesteenweg 57 3010 Leuven- Belgium
3: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria -
Juan de Quesada, 30 35001 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria- Spain
4: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam -
Boelelaan 1105 Amsterdam- Netherlands
5: University of Gdansk (UG)
Armii Krajowej 119/121, 81-824 Sopot- Poland
6: Fraunhofer CML (CML) -
Fraunhofer-Center für Maritime Logistik und Dienstleistungen CML Schwarzenbergstraße 95 D, 21073 Hamburg- Germany
Strategic planning and tools for infrastructure development and transport systems integration in Southeast Europe
Marios Miltiadou 1,, Christos Taxiltaris 1,, George Mintsis 1,, Socrates Basbas 1,,
1: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (A.U.Th.) -
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (A.U.Th.) - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Polytechnic School, Faculty of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Department of Transportation and Hydraulic Engineering, GR-541 24, Thessaloniki - Greece- Greece
SUNRA - a sustainability rating system framework for National Road Administrations
Chris Sowerby 1,, James Langstraat 1, Clare Harmer 2, Lennart Folkeson 3, Henrik Gudmundsson 4,
1: CH2M HILL -
Halcrow (A CH2M HILL Company) Arndale House, Otley Road, Headingley Leeds, LS6 2UL- United Kingdom
2: Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) -
Crowthorne House, Nine Mile Ride, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG40 3GA, United Kingdom- United Kingdom
3: VTI -
Box 8072 SE-402 78 Göteborg- Sweden
4: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU (DENMARK)
Technical University of Denmark Anker Engelunds Vej 1 Building 101A 2800 Kgs. Lyngby- Denmark

Poster presentations

Risk-based asset integrity management process and technology for sustainable operation of transport infrastructure systems
Romain Goy 1,, Jean-Baptiste Oblin 1,, Jerome Boero 1,, Stephanie Dias 1,,
49 avenue Franklin Roosevelt - 77210 Avon- France
Stakeholders - trouble makers or creators of better life opportunity ? Their role in transport infrastructure projects
Agnieszka Lukasiewicz 1,, Anthony Francis 2,
1: Road and Bridge Research Institute (IBDiM) -
ul. Instytutowa 1 03-302 Warsaw- Poland
2: Bircham Dyson Bell LLP (BDB) -
50 Broadway London SW1H 0BL- United Kingdom
Evaluation of parameters affecting operating principles and financial elements of urban motorways
Helen Tyrogianni 1,, Bill Halkias 1, Dimitrios Mandalozis 1, Anna Politou 1,
1: Attikes Diadromes -
41,9km of Attiki Odos, 19002 Peania- Greece
An assessment of present state and possible improvements of cost-benefit analysis in France
David Meunier 1,2, Emile Quinet 3,4, Quentin Roquigny 5,
1: Commissariat Général au Développement Durable (CGDD)
Ministère de l'Ecologie, du Développement Durable et de l'Energie
Tour Voltaire 1, place des Degrés 92055 LA DEFENSE Cedex- France
2: Laboratoire Ville, Mobilité, Transport (LVMT) -
IFSTTAR UMR-T9404,Ecole des Ponts ParisTech,Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée (UPEMLV)
Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, Cité Descartes, 6 et 8 avenue Blaise Pascal, 77454 Marne-la-Vallée cedex 2- France
3: Ecole des Ponts - ParisTech
Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
Ecole des Ponts ParisTech Cité Descartes, 6 et 8 avenue Blaise Pascal 77454 Marne-la-Vallée cedex 2- France
4: Ecole d'Économie de Paris - Paris School of Economics (EEP-PSE) -
Ecole d'Économie de Paris
48 boulevard Jourdan 75014 Paris- France
5: Direction Générale du Trésor (DGT)
Ministère de l'Economie et des Finances
DGT 139, rue de Bercy Télédoc 228 75572 Paris Cedex 12- France
Price variation clauses and cost indices in road construction and maintenance projects
Malcolm Simms 1, Stewart Struthers 2, Egbert Beuving 3,
1: Mineral Products Association - (MPA)
London- United Kingdom
2: Colas Ltd
Rowfant, Sussex- United Kingdom
3: European Asphalt Pavement Association (EAPA) -
Rue du commerce 77, B-1040 Brussels- Belgium
Do we really need to decrease the priority of urban road investments? Case study in Budapest
Mattias Juhász 1,, Tamás Mátrai 2,,
1: Széchenyi István University (SZE)
9026 Győr, Egyetem tér 1.- Hungary
2: BKK Centre for Budapest Transport (BKK) -
H-1075, Budapest, Rumbach Sebestyén u. 19-21- Hungary
Inefficiencies in Germany´s federal transport infrastructure plan
Kilian Frey 1,
1: Federal Environment Agency (UBA) -
Wörlitzer Platz 1, 06844 Dessau- Germany

STS 51: Factors of accidents

Oral presentations

Structural time series modelling of the number of road fatalities in Poland in relation to economic factors
Ruth Bergel-Hayat 1, Joanna Zukowska 2,
1: Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux (IFSTTAR) -
PRES Université Paris-Est,IFSTTAR
Boulevard Newton, Champs sur Marne, F-77447 Marne la Vallée Cedex 2- France
2: Gdansk University of Technology
11/12 G. Narutowicza St., 80-233 Gdańsk- Poland
United traffic laws, standards, and regulations for the GCC countries: Problems and solutions
Khaled Shaaban 1,
1: Qatar University (QU) -
PO Box 2713- Qatar
Characterization of the sites of traffic accidents involving vulnerable road users (VRU) in São Paulo City
Claudia Machado 1, José Quintanilha 1,, Eduardo Shinohara 2,, Mariana Giannotti 1,, Henrique Nishisaki 1,,
1: Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo (EPUSP) -
Avenida Professor Almeida Prado - travessa 2 - nº 83 Cep 05508-070 - Butantã – São Paulo - SP - Brasil- Brazil
2: Companhia de Tecnologia de Saneamento Ambiental do Estado de São Paulo (CETESB-SP) -
Av. Prof. Frederico Herman Jr.,345 - Alto de Pinheiros - cep: 05459-900 - São Paulo - SP - Brasil- Brazil
Traffic accidents in connection to road work in Sweden
Eva Liljegren 1,
1: Swedish Transport Administration (Trv) -
403 33 Göteborg- Sweden
The STARs evaluation tool: optimising network performance, road worker safety and road user safety during roadworks and maintenance
Jill Weekley 1, Nora Ni Nuallain 2, Renaud Sarrazin 3, Jonas Wennstrom 4,
1: TRL -
Crowthorne House Nine Mile Ride Wokingham RG40 3GA- United Kingdom
2: Trinity College Dublin
Dublin- Ireland
Brussels- Belgium
4: VTI
Linkoping- Sweden

Poster presentations

Improvement of car primary safety systems in accidents involving pedestrians based on accident scenario classification
Konthea Yong 1, Thierry Hermitte 1,
1: Laboratoire d'Accidentologie, de Biomécanique et d'études du comportement humain (LAB)
132 rue des Suisses 92000 NANTERRE- France
Causes of road driving hazardous situations
Thierry Serre 1, Claire Naude 1, Jean-Yves Fournier 1, Maxime Dubois-Lounis 1, Sebastien Chauvet 1, Daniel Lechner 1, Vincent Ledoux 2,
1: Laboratoire Mécanismes d'accidents (IFSTTAR/LMA) -
304 Chemin de la Croix Blanche, 13300 Salon-de-Provence- France
2 rue Antoine Charial CS 33927 69426 Lyon Cedex 3- France
Toward smart active road studs for lane delineation
Amit Shahar 1,, Roland Brémond 1,
1: The Laboratory for road Operations, Perception, Simulators and Simulations (LEPSiS)
French Institute of Sciences and Technology for Transport, Development and Networks (IFSTTAR)
14-20 Boulevard Newton, Cité Descartes, Champs sur Marne, F-77447 Marne la Vallée Cedex 2- France
Optimising Automatic Incident Detection (AID) based on image processing to ensure road tunnel safety: combining performance and robustness.
Jérémie Bossu 1,
1: French Tunnel Study Centre (CETU) -
Centre d'études des tunnels
cité des mobilité - CETU ZAC (ou parc d'activité) du Chêne Allée du Général Benoit 69500 BRON- France
Ex-ante assessment of a speed limit reducing operation - A data-driven approach.
Maurice Aron 1, Régine Seidowsky 1,, Simon Cohen 1,
1: University Paris-Est, IFSTTAR (the French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport Development and Networks), COSYS ( Component and system department), GRETTIA (Land Transportation Network Engineering and Advanced Informatics) (IFSTTAR-COSYS-GRETTIA) -
University Paris-Est, IFSTTAR (the French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport Development and Networks), COSYS ( Component and system department), GRETTIA (Land Transportation Network Engineering and Advanced Informatics)
Boulevard Newton, 77447 Champs sur Marne- France
The role of traffic and environmental conditions in increasing accident risk
Satu Innamaa 1,, Ilkka Norros 1, Eetu Pilli-Sihvola 1,,
1: VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland -
P.O. Box 1000 FI-02044 VTT- Finland
Speed management in work zones - the ASAP project
Robert Thomson 1, Peter Saleh 2, Francesca La Torre 3, Xavier Cocu 4, Pavel Tucka 5,
1: Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) -
Box 8072, SE-402 78 Gothenburg- Sweden
2: Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (AIT) -
Donau-City-Straße 1 1200 Vienna- Austria
3: University of Florence (UNIFI) -
Via S. Marta, 3 - 50139 - Firenze- Italy
4: Belgian Road Research Centre (BRRC) -
Boulevard de la Woluwe 42 B-1200 Bruxelles- Belgium
5: Transport Research Center (CDV) -
Lisenska 33a 63600 BRNO- Czech Republic

STS 52: Mobility and traffic modelling and simulation

Oral presentations

Optimized intermodal roundtrips in transport networks
Cecília Vale 1, Isabel Ribeiro 1,
1: University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering (Porto, Portugal) (FEUP) -
R. Dr. Roberto Frias 4200 - 465 Porto- Portugal
Modeling and solving international journey planning problems
Konstantinos Androutsopoulos 1,, Konstantinos Zografos 2,
1: Transportation Systems and Logistics Laboratory, Department of Management Science and Technology, Athens University of Economics and Business
Evelpidon 47A & Lefkados 33, 113 62 Athens- Greece
2: Department of Management Science, School of Management, Lancaster University
Bailrigg, Lancaster, LA1 4YX- United Kingdom
Forecasting capabilities of a micro-simulation method for trip generation
Patrick Bonnel 1, Jorge Cabrera Delgado 1,
1: Laboratoire d'économie des transports (LET) -
École Nationale des Travaux Publics de l'État ENTPE,CNRS : UMR5593,Université Lumière - Lyon II
rue Maurice Audin, 69518 Vaulx-en-Velin- France
MOBI - modal shift through gamification
Jan Christiaens 1,, Sander Buningh 2,
1: Mobiel 21 (M21) -
Vital Decosterstraat 67- Belgium
2: DTV Consultants (DTV) -
Markendaalseweg 44 4811 KC Breda- Netherlands
Study on emergency traffic evacuation based on cell transmission model (CTM)
Yafei Zhou 1, Tiansheng Xie 1, Jing Cai 1, Xiaonan Cheng 1,
1: Center for Safety and Emergency Technology Research, China Waterborne Transport Research Institute
8 Xitucheng Road, Beijing- China

Poster presentations

Models for Optimising Dynamic Urban Mobility (MODUM)
Sven Maerivoet 1,,
1: Transport & Mobility Leuven (TML) -
Diestsesteenweg 57 3010 Kessel-Lo (Leuven)- Belgium
Modelling and solution approach for the environmental travelling salesman problem
Georgios K.d. Saharidis 1, George Kolomvos 2,, George Liberopoulos 1,
1: Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Thessaly (UTH) -
Leoforos Athinon, Pedion Areos, 38334 Volos, Greece- Greece
2: Kathikas Institute of Research & Technology (KIRT) -
4 Hachiarfanou, Kathikas 8573, Paphos Cyprus- Cyprus
Using a multi-agent-system to assess the sensitivity of a flexible transport
Didier Josselin 1,2, Adrien Lammoglia 1, Nicolas Marilleau 3,
CNRS : UMR7300,Université d'Avignon,UMR ESPACE CNRS 7300
74 rue Louis pasteur 84000 AVIGNON- France
2: Laboratoire d'Informatique d'Avignon (LIA)
Laboratoire d'Informatique d'Avignon
339 chemin des Meinajariès, Agroparc BP 91228, 84911 Avignon cedex 9- France
32 avenue Henri Varagnat 93143 Bondy Cedex- France
Towards a unified evaluation of traffic light algorithms
Daniel Krajzewicz 1, Robbin Blokpoel 2, Wolfgang Niebel 1, Cornelia Hebenstreit 3, Jérôme Härri 4, Michela Milano 5, Anna-Chiara Bellini 5, Thomas Stützle 6,
1: German Aerospace Center (DLR) -
Rutherfordstr. 2 12489 Berlin- Germany
2: Imtech Traffic & Infra -
Amersfoort- Netherlands
3: Technical University of Graz / Technische Universität Graz -
Rechbauerstrasse 12 Graz 8010- Austria
Campus SophiaTech, 450 Route des Chappes, 06410 Biot FRANCE- France
5: Università di Bologna (UNIBO) -
Via Zamboni, 33 - 40126 Bologna- Italy
6: University libré de Bruxelles
Brussels- Belgium

STS 53: Research policy, training

Oral presentations

Poster presentations

A methodology to develop commonly agreed research priorities - an outcome of the PROS project
Peter Urban 1,, Olaf Op Den Camp 2,,
1: Forschungsgesellschaft Kraftfahrwesen mbH Aachen (FKA) -
Steinbachstr. 7 - 52074 Aachen- Germany
2: Nederlandse Organisatie voor toegepast-natuurwetenschappelijk onderzoek (TNO) -
Steenovenweg 1 5708 HN Helmond- Netherlands
Establishing a comprehensive transport research information management and exchange system - the HERMES Project
George Kotsikos 1,, C. Gelatly 2, Gregory Mygdakos 3, Michael Papadopoulos 4, Francois Maugere 5, George Smyrnakis 6,
1: Newcastle University (UNEW) -
Stephenson Building Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU- United Kingdom
2: Newcastle University
Newcastle NE1 7RU- United Kingdom
3: European Aeronautics Science Network (EASN) -
4: European Aeronautics Science Network (EASN)
5: International Union of Railways
6: Foundation WEGEMT (WEGEMT) -
Joint research programming and harmonised governance regimes for increased international transport research cooperation
George Giannopoulos 1, Angel Aparicio 2, Evangelos Mitsakis 3, Katerina Chrysostomou 1,
1: Centre for Research and Technology Hellas - Hellenic Institute of Transport (CERTH/HIT) -
6th Klm. Charilaou - Thermi Road P.O. BOX 60361 GR - 570 01 Thermi, Thessaloniki GREECE- Greece
2: UPM
Madrid- Spain
3: Centre for Research and Technology Hellas/Hellenic Institute of Transport (CERTH/HIT) -
6th km Charilaou-Thermis, 57001, Thessaloniki- Greece
How can the transfer of knowledge contribute to achieve sustainability in transport: lessons learned from TRANSPORT LEARNING training project
Octavia Stepan 1, Julia Zientek 2,, Tom Rye 3,, Robert Pressl 2,,
1: The Association for Urban Transition (ATU) -
str. Voila 10 Bucharest 4- Romania
2: Forschungsgesellschaft Mobilität - Austrian Mobility Research (FGM-AMOR) -
Schoenaugasse 8a A-8010 Graz- Austria
3: Lund University -
John Ericssons väg 1, Lund - 2nd floor in V-huset at LTH- Sweden
A living lab framework: facilitating the adoption of innovations in international information infrastructures
Inge Lucassen 1,, Bram Klievink 2,, Lori Tavasszy 1,2,
1: TNO
Van Mourik Broekmanweg 6
2628 XE Delft- Netherlands
2: Delft University of Technology
Jaffalaan 5, 2628BX Delft- Netherlands
Towards the initiation of joint research priorities in the area of transport
Jean-Pierre Médevielle 1, Evangelos Bekiaris 1,, Lucile Murier-Mendoza 1, Matina Loukea 2,,
25 avenue François Mitterrand 69675 Bron cedex - France- France
2: Center for Research and Technology Hellas/Hellenic Institute for Transport (CERTH/HIT) -
6th km, Charilaou – Thermi Road P.O. Box 60361 - 570 01 Thermi, Thessaloniki, Greece- Greece