Invited Sessions
Last update: 30/3/2014
Wednesday, April 16, 17:30-19:00
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ID # |
Title Participants : Chair and moderator, Speakers, Panellits |
16 |
17834 |
Sustainability and Energy Efficient Management of Roads Åsa Lindgren (STA, SE), Jan van der Zwan (RWS, NL), Vincent O’Malley (NRA, IE), Bob Hamel (NPRA, NO), Dean Kerwick Crisp (Highways Agency, UK), Roland Weber (DE) |
17 |
14015 |
iMobility Forum, supporting smart clean and safe mobility Alessandro Coda (EUCAR), Lina Konstantinopoulou (ERTICO), Joakim Svensson (Volvo, SE), Jaap Vreeswijk (IMTECH, NL), Stella Nikolaou (CERTH, GR) |
18 |
17903 |
Technologies for electrification of urban bus systems Umberto Guida (UITP), Wolfgang Backhaus (Rupprecht, DE), Ulf Gustafsson (Volvo Bus, SE), Mark Poulton (Transport for London, UK), Josep-Maria Armengol Villa (Transports Metropolitans de Bacelona, ES) |
19 |
20212 |
Air pollution from the transports Séverine Kirchner (CSTB, FR), Lionel Moulin (MEDDE, FR), Dirk Heinrichs (DLR, DE), Gary Fuller (King’s College London, UK), Michel André (IFSTTAR, FR), Alois Krasenbring (EC/JRC), Håkan Johansson (Trafikverket, SE) |
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16630 |
European directive and road noise Wiebe Alberts (RWS, NL), Enda Murphy (UCD, IE), Barbara Vanhooreweder (Agency for Roads and Traffic, BE), Jakob Fryd (Danish Road Directorate, DK), Gijsjan van Blokland (M+P Consulting Engineers, NL) |
21 |
17844 |
T-TRANS: Enhancing the transfer of ITS innovations to the market Miquel Angel Piera (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, ES), Susanne Kellberger (Fraunhofer CML, DE), Ignacio Muttoni (LGI Consulting), Francisco Sánchez (CTAG, ES), Teun Ploeg (DNV, NL), Isidoros Pasas (INTELSPACE, ES) |
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17845 |
Transport Network ITS Spatial Data Kees Wevers (ERTICO), John McCarthy (Department of Transport Tourism & Sport, IE), Trond Hovland (ITS Norway & NPRA, NO), Stephen T'Siobbel (TomTom, BE), Hans Nobbe (RWS, NL) |
23 |
19854 |
Road owners adapting to climate change Kees van Muiswinkel (NL), Thomas Bles (Deltares, NL), Gordana Petkovic (NPRA, NO), Christian Axelsen (Danish Road Directorate, DK), Janette Bessembinder (KNMI, NL), Christoph Matulla (ZAMG, AT), Yves Ennesser (Egis, FR) |
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19464 |
Land transport infrastructures and compensatory measures Valery Lemaitre (MEDDE, FR), Philippe Thievent (CDC, FR), Marie-Eve Reinert (EDF, FR), Strahil Christov (EC/Environment), Brice Quenouille (Bouygues, FR), Delphine Morandeau (CG78, FR) |
25 |
19782 |
Integrated System for Transport Infrastructures surveillance and Structural Health Monitoring Vincenzo Cuomo (CNR, IT), Helmut Wenzel (VCE Vienna Consulting Engineers, AT), Frédéric Bourquin (IFSTTAR, FR), Francesco Soldovieri (CNR, IT) |
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18355 |
Building up infrastructure networks of a sustainable Europe (refine) Hill Terry (Arup), Luc Bourdeau (ECTP), Jean-Pierre Hamelin (Vinci Group, FR), Miguel Segarra (Dragados, ES), Claude Dumoulin (Bouygues TP, FR), Carmine Pascale (Stress, IT), Andraz Legat (ZAG, SI) |
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17660 |
CEDR Transnational Road Research Programme Albert Daly (CEDR/NRA, IE), Govert Sweere (RWS, NL), Lutz Pinkofsky (BASt, DE), Mark Pooley (Highways Agency, UK), Christian Pecharda (FFG, AT) |
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17946 |
Asset Management and Monitoring for ageing Rail Infrastructure Kenneth Gavin (UCD, IE), Irina Stipanovic (University of Twente, NL), Marios Chryssanthopoulos (University of Surrey, UK), Brian Bell (Network Rail, UK) |
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30510 |
Inland navigation, ports and intermodal Marc Papinutti (VNF, FR), Claude Gressier (DGITM, FR), Steve Labeylie (CFT, FR), Jean-Christophe Staelens (Logistic in Wallonia, BE), Meng Lu (ALICE/Dynalog, NL), Gabriel Mialocq (EC/R&I) |
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18432 |
Translating research into action: the example of green and healthy transport Mihail Kochubovski (Ministry of Health, Republic of Macedonia), Clive Needle (EuroHealthNet), Harry Rutter (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK), Regine Gerike (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, AT), Griffin Carpenter (New Economics Foundation, UK) |